Monday, January 22, 2024

Blog Post #1

 My Top 5 Sources of News and Information

I enjoy looking at The New York Times as one of my main news sources because of its broad array of subjects. The New York Times allows me to go to one source where I know I will be able to find articles about any subject I am interested in through a generally unbiased lens. Another reason why I enjoy going to The New York Times and would recommend it to others is because of the daily challenges they offer. From games including Wordle, Connections, Crosswords and more.These games along with the news pieces are updated daily keeping me as a consumer of their media coming back for more. 

As someone who grew up playing sports, ESPN has been a constant source of news for me since I could access it on my own. ESPN is a great news source for all topics that are sports-related. They are an organization that prides themselves on their reliability and research and they are respected for it. ESPN is especially useful since I am able to access games across all sports, rankings, schedules, statistics, and so much more. Most importantly for myself personally, as a viewer I am able to read articles post-games about how the players felt during the game and it keeps me up to date with how my favorite teams are progressing. 

This source is not one that I access consistently, but is one that is the most prominent when I am at home with my family. Growing up, my parents would watch NBC Nightly News and have continued to do so. I enjoy joining my parents when they watch NBC Nightly News as we are able to engage in conversations, I am able to ask questions, and we are able to learn different viewpoints from one another. I recommend this source to others since they look to cover both sides, there are interesting stories, and when watching with others you can learn more than you could have if you were watching alone. While I am away from my parents at school, I do not keep up with NBC Nightly News as much as I would like but make an effort to stay updated NBC News through their website.

While this next source is not one I use for more pressing stories, E! News is a main news source that I consume information from in regards to the entertainment industry. I follow their account on Instagram and am able to get quick, easily digestible information with links available if I am interested in learning more about the headline given. As someone who enjoys watching television, I enjoy looking at E! News so that I am able to stay updated with my favorite celebrities. I would recommend this source to others if they also enjoy staying updated with the entertainment industry as it is easily accessible and gives quick, interesting articles.

Recently, I have been striving to become more educated in what is happening in the world around me. As someone with a very busy schedule, The Washington Post podcast, “The 7”, has been incredibly beneficial to me. This is a news podcast that is released every weekday morning and consists of what they consider “the seven most important and interesting stories” and describes them quickly. Each episode lasts around 8 minutes long and is easily accessible for me through Spotify and for others through Apple Music. Not only is this a great source due to its convenience, but The Washington Post is known for their reliability allowing me to be at ease knowing that I am taking in reputable information.

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